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About  Power to the Polls

Power to the Polls is aimed at enhancing the political participation of the Black community through voter engagement, education, and empowerment. It encompasses a range of initiatives designed to increase voter registration, turnout, and civic awareness within the Black community. 


These initiatives include:


1. Targeted Deep Canvassing: We will recruit, train, and mobilize local volunteers to canvass predominantly Black communities with low voter engagement & turnout. This is not just literature drops. We will teach our volunteers how to use their personal stories and journey to create meaningful conversations and interactions from door to door.


2. Volunteer Directory: We will build out a volunteer database to continue training & education beyond just canvassing. Each volunteer also has the chance to opt-in to receive volunteering opportunities for other campaigns as well.


3. Outreach and Mobilization: Our campaign will employ targeted outreach strategies to engage Black voters who are often marginalized or face barriers to participation. We will utilize social media campaigns, community events, and partnerships with local influencers to amplify our message and encourage voter turnout.


4. Culturally Relevant Events/Spaces: We want to build spaces and events that our community actually wants to attend. These will be spaces intentionally built to empower the Black community while also creating moments of learning & connection.



Check your registration status:

To register to vote, check registration status, find voting locations & more visit:


Samantha Douglas

We're always looking for new and exciting opportunities to connect.


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